[单选题] We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair.We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come()your earliest convenience.
[单选题] Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be()to the draft.
[单选题] He is not()to understand the market situation.
[单选题] We will()you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.
[单选题] This Agreement may be()6 months before its expiry.
[单选题] Your terms of payment are()to us.
[单选题] Jim was about to sign the contract but I().
[单选题] We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the()catalogue.
[单选题] While()an enquiry,you ought to enquire into quality,specification and price etC.
[主观题] 术语翻译:互购考试用书()

I don’t mind()the decision,anyway it’s a big order.
The words of the buyer left a()impression on his mind.
We are not in a position to make any offer as the goods are().
We will()you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.
Your terms of payment are()to us.
Complaint prevailed and this compelled the producer to resolve()improvements.
术语翻译:irrevocable letter of credit()
Shipment will be effected this month,subject to your L/C()us in one week.
Payment by D/Pshould be()to you.
()is the largest free trade area in the area.